We have access to the five major Workers' Compensation insurers and are well positioned to assist you with arranging competitive cover for this complex and compulsory area of insurance. Our highly experienced staff are also ready to assist you in the event of a claim.

Important things you should know

All of the following are true:

  1. Workers’ Compensation(Employer’s Indemnity) Insurance is compulsory for all employers in Western Australia.

  2. You can not ‘contract out’ of your liability under workers’ compensation as part of employment conditions.

  3. Public Liability insurance is no substitute for a workers’ compensation policy.

  4. Workers’ compensation insurance does not automatically renew.

  5. Journey claims to from work are excluded but employees travelling under the employer’s direction would be covered under the Act.

  6. Accidents do happen despite the employer’s procedures and best intentions.

Common misconceptions surrounding Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Employers have a legal obligation to have workers compensation insurance cover for all ‘workers’ (penalties apply for avoidance). The legal definition of "worker" is broad, including but not limited to workers on a wage or salary (full-time, part-time, casual or seasonal), and certain contractors and sub-contractors. A full definition of 'workers' can be found at

What is covered under the Workers’ Compensation Act?

  • Compensation for lost of wages limited to The Prescribed Amount

  • Reasonable medical expenses

  • Vocational rehabilitation

  • Reasonable travel costs

  • Rate of pay is averaged over the first 13 weeks with possible “step down” from 14th week onwards

  • Compensation for loss or impairment of some part or faculty of the body.

Claims process

Claims Procedure

The attached claims procedure document will assist you through the process in this complex area of insurance. It’s important to remember;

  • Injured worker and employer claim forms need to be completed and submitted to insurer (with any witness statement) and first medical certificate/first certificate of capacity as soon as possible

  • Don’t admit liability or pay wages until claim accepted by your insurer

  • The insurer will confirm correct rate of pay for injured worker

  • Good Workers’ compensation claims management relies on good record keeping. Keep copies of all documents.

Important to note – you may be liable and not know it

Employing people with pre-existing medical conditions or injuries could result in you being responsible for aggravation of an underlying condition, in the event of a claim. When you employ a worker, you take them on with all their medical history and you should be careful to ensure that the worker is capable of undertaking the work duties intended.

In some circumstances, a worker residing on the property or work site, may be covered under workers’ compensation for injuries sustained away from the actual work place.

If such a claim is made or you think that a claim may be likely, speak with us as soon as possible.

Contact us

We are committed to working with you to minimise the impact of claims costs and your time in dealing with claim matters, which might best be spent in your work place.

The combination of good claims management and negotiating the best premium rate can translate to significant saving each year.